Seven Minutes To Bedtime
That inexact time just before lights out where some of the most interesting conversations happen...
433 episodes
Weekly Recap 2/12
I try to lead by example, even when I don't make the right decision. This week I made the mistake of prejudging a guy, and we use it as a teachable moment. Then we talked about school schedules, and I tried to get Syd to try out for the girls wres...

You don't embarrass me.
Dad's on field trips, shaming parents, and showing people how good your relationship is.

I suppose that's a good idea because you don't want to look like a jackass.
Using your intellect, how many squares, and stupid people.

Why would you want your head to look like a stop sign?
Breakfast options, leftovers, poofy hair and big heads.

I don't need you here anymore, go back to work.
Sharing blankets, dead batteries, AAA and a changed schedule.

So it's like boom, chink, clunk.
Helicopter parenting, teachable moments, and who's coming home.

And she's not afraid to get dirty.
Grey's Anatomy spoilers, Shonda Rhimes, and starting the new semester well.

You just used 30 words that I don't know in one sentence
The best part, Dad questions and Con demographics.

Weekly recap 1/28
Time and what we do with that time is what matters...This week we made a date to see Star Wars (in 2017), relive stories of Sydney's youth, and discover something spooky about Mom...

I lied a lot to you growing up.
Appendix location, parental lies, breakfast and talking crap about about improv.

You do not have a specific taste palate.
Sharpies, final exams, improv technique, and breakfast.

Second week in a row, mommy knows the killer on 48 hours.
Yawns, 48 hours, aching bones, finals and remote controlled bb-8.

I love you, but you puked a lot on me when you were younger.
Oreos and rice for dinner, getting sick, double speak and spreading germs.

Sometimes things are just too much to handle.
Pants on the stairs, falling asleep anywhere, improv games and stress.

When we go to see Star Wars next, you'll drive.
Star Wars, catholic church, praying for cooks, bad driving and a dash cam.

Ok, don't do that, first of all.
Parking location, sleeping on your back, R-rated movies and vandalism.

Bedtime is Bedtime, don't get out of bed.
Finding a blanket, making fins, backup plans, weird shadows and wearing makeup to bed.

It's entirely possible that your mother dreamed that.
Helicopters breaking up parties, a bunch of giggling and a reprimand to be quiet.